Manchester Chorus - Manchester CT

Published on 22 January 2024 at 15:52

What a crazy week!!  This was my first long distance travel to perform magic.  On Tuesday I got the new tricks in I had ordered specifically for this show.  So, I had very little time to get them all setup.  Also on Tuesday I picked up a quick stomach bug, so I was down for the count while trying to get everything together. 


Thursday arrives, travel day, and I get a notice that my first flight got delayed until several hours after I was supposed to catch my connecting flight, and I had an option to grab an earlier which was leaving in a little over an hour.  As quickly as I could, I stocked the cats food and water for the next few days, cleaned the litter box, grabbed all the last minute items I hadn't packed, ordered an Uber, and flew out the door.  


My Uber driver was awesome and understood the assignment.  He pushed through a few late yellow lights if you catch my meaning.  Got me to CoS airport in record time.  The chick-in attendant was awesome concerning my situation (Thank you United Airlines).  I got expedited through TSA due to the circumstances.  I rushed to my gate and made it as they were boarding the plane for the quick hop-over to Denver.  


I now had a few hours to kill in Denver International.  So, grabbing lunch in Terminal A, I was relaxing with some Pokemon Go (yes really).  I get to my next gate with time to spare. Hopped on the plane and watched the Chiefs go toe to toe with Bills.  Im not a fan of either team, but it was a big game and really competitive.  I decided it was going to be the exact length of the trip so it was the right choice to watch.  


Got into CT around 11:30pmET.  My host, Connor, was ready for me, and we went to get a little bite before getting to my hotel room.  I finally get checked in after showing some magic to an enthusiastic front desk agent who upgraded my room.  The room was larger than my apartment.  But, I wasn't about to enjoy it.  The minute I took my belt off, I got hit hard with food poisoning from the lunch I ate in Denver.  I know that's what it was because my host and I basically had the same small items at a diner and he was fine.  I then spent the next 13 hours in the hotel bathroom between hovering over the porcelain god and in the shower to help my abdominal discomfort.  I barely made it to the tech rehearsal on Friday evening. 


I got very little sleep over the night, but, as they say in the business - "The show must go on"!  So, I rallied the best I could.  Forced down a little oatmeal and some fruits since I hadn't had solid food in over 24 hours.  Got my stuff together and headed out to the theater.  Of course the Hosting organization was concerned about my health, so I lied and said I was OK.  Got through the shows with a smile and the audience was none the wiser.  After the second show, we went immediately to their afterglow (chorus version of a wrap party).  I was there with sore muscles and body pains socializing and doing some more magic for tables.  Left around 2am, only to remember I had a 7:25am flight. 


So, I took a nap, and got going.  I hope the girl next to me on the flight from Hartford to Denver somehow finds this post so she can know how deeply sorry I am for being an obnoxious sleeper.  I am certain I snored and my head bobbed the entire 4.5 hours flying.  She was already in discomfort herself being pregnant.  


All in all, it was a rough week, but it did turn out successful.  I saw some friends, got to perform some new materials (which were a massive hit), and although in pain, had a mini vacation in an expensive hotel for a few days.

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